Airbag reset and repair service for SRS module with the part number 985105129R Continental A2C85841703 commonly found fitted to Dacia Duster and various Renault models. We remove the stored crash data from your airbag module after your airbags have deployed, which will turn off the airbag lamp on your dashboard enabling you to reuse the unit without having to buy an expensive new SRS module from the main dealer. The airbag control module will function and operate exactly as it did prior to the airbag light coming on, leaving you with a safe airbag control/restraint system.
We include diagnostic test sheets showing the successful repair of your module, we also clear “impact detected” and “computer must be replaced” log.
Example fault codes for deployed module (some diagnostic testers may show different codes):
DTC 907F – 49 – Replace computer after impact
– Internal electronic failure
– Permanent
DTC 907E – – Computer Locked
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